Welcome to term 1, it's great to see your bright and shining smiles.
Remember to bring our hat, drink bottles and homework everyday.
Dear Parents or Caregivers
The children are settling into the classroom, learning
new routines and making new friends. Stationery is important for achieving
success in learning, please come to the office to purchase a stationery pack
for your child if you haven’t done so.
If you need to contact me at any stage please feel free to come in before
and after class or call the office at 6209261 to make another suitable
Our Class Programme for Term 1
This term will be on adding and subtracting skills. Minor focus on exploring measurement units, coordinates and compass directions.
This term will be on adding and subtracting skills. Minor focus on exploring measurement units, coordinates and compass directions.
English will focus on Recount
writing and letter writing.
• Reading will be on gaining meaning from texts by using questioning
and retelling skills.
• Topic is on sustainability. Students will inquire
into making our school
green and sustainable. Please add ideas to the post of making a difference at Wesley.
• Our P.E. and Health programme
this term
focuses on striking and fielding skills.
• Maori language will
be on the plants and general requesting phrases.
Students are expected to read a story
4 days a week.
4 days a week.
Please ensure your child return the
reader to school every day in the book
Also, please sign your child’s reading log and encourage them to learn their spelling words and Basic Facts.
Also, please sign your child’s reading log and encourage them to learn their spelling words and Basic Facts.
Your cooperation will make a significant
difference to your child’s achievement.
Thanking you.
difference to your child’s achievement.
Thanking you.
Ingrid Cheung