Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Sustainability Poems

Hi everyone

I've been so impressed with your poems about using the different ways to be Earth friendly.
Publish your poems here for others to read.



  1. Sustainability poems by Des Dan Fita and Aisea
    Support the enviroment
    Use the runbbish bin
    So many terrfic
    Things but never throw rubbish on the ground again ohhh

    Some people
    To people
    And any where
    I think thats a good idea

    Abilty to reuse
    Information about the enviroment
    Natural weather
    Aim to be a clean kiwi
    But you forgot to be bio-degrable yeah B,B,B bio-degrable
    Inthe rubbish bin take out the stuff that is not suppose to be in it
    Take rubbish out of the blue bin
    You never get your hands dirty
    Dir,Dir,Dir Dirty,Dir,Dir,Dir Dirty

    1. What an outstanding performance! You were so great that Mrs Parkin would like you and your team to go into each classroom and repeat your classy act! Simply stunning!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. We get a reward you know ?

  2. Sustainability rap by Sebastian, Tugi, Nate, John, Jon and Sione.
    Sustainability save the world
    sustainability use the right bins
    sustainability don't make litter
    cause the enviro boys gonna rethink, reuse, recycle and reduce.
    So see ya later 1 2 3 boom!

    1. Soooo you vs me your group has some skill. Your group could beat one direction.
      Your group is cool . But next time let the others sing to you know...

      BY kingDes MasterDan CoolFita and FancyAisea

    2. Bravo,bravo,bravo, great rap group seb.
      By Desmond

  3. It was awesome attending Room 4 Assembly, great to hear poems and raps. Great work kids, proud of you all with the effort it took to come up with all of that. By proud parent TALI HAVEA

  4. hurray term2

    So in my holidays I went to a play with my mum and sister there were thousands of people at the play its about Alice in wonder land there were singing, dancing my favourite part was at the end when they sang I feel so happy that was great. :)

  5. Wow! I wished I was there. It sounded an awesome play, I heard the costume were so colourful and Rabbit did very well in the play. Do you agree?


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