Friday, 18 July 2014

Term 3 Newsletter

Dear Parents and Caregivers,                                  

Kia ora, Ki orana, Malo e lelei, Talofa Lava...
        Welcome back to term three and it is great to see the children are refreshed and ready to start a new term.  Our topic will be on Belonging. It would be appreciated if you could continue using your home language to share your experiences about belonging to different groups to engage in your child’s learning. Please call in anytime to have a chat about our learning.

Our class programme for term 3
focus will be on addition, subtraction, fractions and statistics.

English will focus on report and recount writing.

  Reading will be on gaining meaning from texts by making inferences and evaluation.

Topic – will inquire into the meaning of belonging and the attributes of various groups.

Our P.E. and Health programme will be on gymnastics.

Maori focus will be on introducing ourselves and describing different actions.

Visual Art- is on creative dance and making a collage.

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