Sunday, 19 July 2015

Term Two

Wow! What a great term we had last term. As a special treat on our last day we made healthy smoothies. We were learning to describe using detail. We could describe the smoothies taste, smell, look, feel and the sound it made when it was in the blender.

Come in and have a read of our wonderful writing.
Writing about our smoothies!
A highlight from Term 2 was making and flying kites to celebrate Matariki. These are displayed in our room, come and see! :-) 
We wrote wonderful recounts about our experience. 

Flying our kites

We have a published writing wall where you can come and read our writing and leave us some feedback.


  1. Wonderful work Room 4. The smoothies look yummy. I hope you enjoy the headbands game. Good luck with your assembly.

  2. Wow room 4! Great work, love the publishing wall to showcase your great writing skills!! Healthy smoothies sound delicious. Keep it up!! :)


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