Sunday, 2 November 2014

MERC (Marine Education Recreation Centre) Monday 3 Nov 2014

Hi Everyone
I think everyone would agree, what a wonderful day we've had at MERC. Although, it started with raining cats and dogs, the rain soon settled down and a bit of sunshine crept through in the afternoon.
 So proud of you all having a go, facing your challenge.....doing something new at abseiling, kayaking and raft building. Thank you all for showing respect to Tangaroa (the Protector of the Sea). IC

Abseiling: keep your feet straight on the wall, lean back and go down.
Go Girl Power!
Safety first: put on the websuit, then life-jacket.

paddling warm up....left down up and right down up...

                                                               Hopped on the kayak and off we go!

                                                                   Hurray!I'm the first to paddle to shore!

These knots will come in useful for building a raft.

Now, what kind of knots will be good to tie these barrels?

Now, makes sure the plank is secured to the barrels.

Lets go for a test drive! Will it fit all of us....


  1. It was really cool. I liked the abseiling best because you could overcome your fears.

  2. I like kayaking because it makes my arms stronger, balancing in water. Tugi

  3. My favourite part was when we jumped on the raft and everyone started falling down.

  4. wow miss your pictures stand out.And you sure do have a lot of commets on your blog

    1. Hi Caroline
      Thanks for your encouraging words and being a frequent visitor to our blog!
      See you at school.


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