Friday, 30 January 2015

Welcome to 2015!

Hi everyone

Welcome back to 2015. We are still in Summer so remember to wear your hats and have your drink bottles handy.

Here is the homework for this term. Remember to return your reader and homework daily.
Room 4  Homework      Term 1  of 2015

Our topics this term is on Sound.
Our homework routine consists of:
  • Reading to an adult every day.
  • Learning spelling words (including common word list 1-4)
  • Learning any times tables and basic facts for that week.

As well as that, choose from the following independent learning projects and do one every week:


Adult sign

Estimate and measure different things in your house.

Write an acrostic poem on sound.

Write a recount of something exciting you did at home.

Draw a Y chart for something– what can you see, smell or hear?

Create a word search on “‘sound” for your friend to solve.

Retell a story you’ve read and write about the author’s views.

Draw a diagram of something that makes sound. Label as many parts as you can.

Make a model of a sound instrument.

Write a “Who am I” clues on something that makes sound for your friends to solve.

                Reading at home 
       Parents, please ask your child/ren questions about the stories they read at home
        each day. They should be bringing home a book from school daily or read a book
        of their choice at home. Record the book at the back of the homework book

         Here are some questions you could ask them:

1.    What was the author/illustrator of the book?
2.    What was this story about?
3.    What happened in the story?
4.    What was your favourite part the story? Why?

5.    What were some of the characters in the story like? Draw and describe them.

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